Considerations on the promotion of the italian dental industry and its exports
Today, businesses export because they need to increase revenue to amortize fixed costs, the moulds and the special equipment.
In a conference-study session sponsored by the Banche del Monte on the topic of “A Good Image – the Secret behind Exports”, it was stressed that the successful marketing of products abroad is influenced by the image of the country in which the products originate.
Before the Second World War, the dental industry in Italy was almost non-existent, while industry in general lagged fifty years behind other Western European countries for various historical, political and economic reasons. At the end of the war, Italy’s image abroad, set in that back drop, was one of the immigrant looking for work as he could not find any his own country. Italy’s post-war image could not therefore support exports, and this was not the only obstacle: there were other difficulties such as the general lack of knowledge of foreign languages, the twenty years of isolation through Fascism and the subsequent sanctions, the lack of raw materials and energy resources, and the shortages which increased the cost of products and their processing.