Air Compressor for Dental Surgeries
The dental profession needs compressed air that is clean, dry and free of harmful gases and possibly sterile.
Features of the Dental Air Compressor
The dental profession needs compressed air that is clean, dry and free of harmful gases and possibly sterile. Therefore oil-bath compressors or oil-free compressors that do not guarantee clean air are not recommended, nor are compressors without an air drying unit. And, the tank must be treated internally with a product that does not pollute the air. To meet this need, Cattani S.p.A. manufactures an oil-less compressor whose pistons are coated with a layer of self-lubricating material and is equipped with a compatible cylinder. The high precision machining and the quality of the self-lubricating materials prevent wear and tear and thus the formation of dust, and the tank is internally treated with a food grade resin also approved for the food preservation.
The lifespan of the oil-less compressor was always thought to be inferior to that of lubricated compressors. This may seem obvious: the oil in fact, fills the empty spaces, reduces noise, minimizes wear and tear and also reduces the temperature of frictioning surfaces. But, Cattani S.p.A. can prove the opposite: it lies in the choice of materials and the precision workmanship. The compatibility of the frictioning materials (also referred to as self-lubricating) and the precision machining, in fact, avoid wear and tear on frictioning parts even without lubrication. Cattani S.p.A. has tested the pistons for up to ten thousand hours without experiencing any dimensional reduction, and has received compressors for repair that have been in use for up to twenty-five years without appreciable wear. Also, the lack of wear protects the compressed air from pollution. Such results reflect our serious research and commitment supported by our special passion.